Minecraft Fanfictions Wiki
Phantom Hydra

Phantom Hydra

Phantom Hydras are very dangerous mobs that possess many abilities. They only spawn in Phantania, usually in groups. They have 400 <3 and can be potentially life-threatning without the right tools to fight it with.


Phantom Hydras are one of the deadliest mobs in all of Phantania, since they have such high health and a lot of attack power. They rarely land and sometimes chase off Phantom Dragons that are trying to attack the Player so that the PH has them all to themselves. The Player will hear a horrible screeching noise when they get in the vicinity of 140 blocks of a PH, and will gradually get louder as they get closer until they will start to get Nausea II. The PH's heads are able to be cut off, however, without growing another one back but the decapitated head will try to kill them for a few seconds. Their presence often becomes a Phantom Skaidron plantation, since they spawn near PHs and PDs. When killed, they drop a Hydra Gem.


Phantom Hydras only spawn in Phantania, always on their own.
